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  • Fixed: bug with liveSync (unequip rune event)


  • Fixed: bug with creating and updating runes


  • Added: fourth focus field
  • Added: possibility to put in two stats for each slot
  • Added: level up a monster to 40
  • Added: create a monster from template at 40
  • Fixed: LiveSync AmplifyRune Event


  • Fixed: sort issues with float numbers


  • Fixed: check for empty data of crafts (swarfarm)


  • Damage per Skill: compare your monster’s damage output for each rune combination
  • LiveSync: automatically import new Grindstones, Runes and Enchanted Gems while the game is active. You need the newest version of SWProxy for this feature.
  • Added Grindstone & Enchanted Gem indicators for Advanced Rune tab
  • Bugfix for ‘Lock monster on import’


  • DMG: a combined value of Crit, Atk and CritDMG. Multipliers, Speed and set bonuses such as violent are not included in the underlying formula. It's a rough indicator for your damage output or the best distribution of CritDMG and Attack.
  • Show Grindstones and Enchanted Gems on every rune (just like ingame)
  • New menu section “Grindstones and Enchantments”
  • Optimize for Grindstones: here you find a list of every monster that can be upgraded with Grindstones. Existing Grindstones will be taken into account. You can also equip Grindstones to keep your rune builds up to date.
  • Optimize for Enchanted Gems: same as above for Enchanted Gems
  • Stones & Gems: List of all Grindstones and Enchanted Gems. Pick a Grindstone or Enchanted Gem to see on which monsters it can be used. Ezpz.
  • Create and edit Stones & Gems (for example you can add fresh loot from your raids and see where it fits).